
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Upcoming UK smartphone schedule for winter 2010 leaked

Only just recently we covered the leaked HTC Vision, a Desire calibre smartphone with a slide-out keyboard, and now it seems we have many more leaks to report, not just of HTC phones, but of models from Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Samsung too.

Info plausible, but unverified

Before starting any story on a supposed manufacturer leak, we must of course say that this information is completely unconfirmed and might be completely wrong. With that said, it seems at least some info does appear in sync with other rumours we’ve heard. Well, onto the disclosed information that supposedly, at least according to Omio, details some of the biggest smartphone UK releases that companies have planned in the fourth quarter of this year.

Since HTC has been in the news a lot lately, and rightly so, we’ll start with the models the Taiwanese company is apparently set to release later this year. Firstly, we naturally have the HTC Vision, a model we’ve covered extensively and that will, according to the leaked manufacturer roadmap, be hitting our shores starting in October. This sounds about right with what we heard earlier and, interestingly enough, the Vision will also be accompanied by the so-called HTC Ace, a smartphone we’ve heard a only precious few rumours about.  But thefirst info we have is good, very good. Apparently, it will be something of a Droid/Evo hybrid and pack a large 4.3 inch AMOLED touch screen, ship with Android 3.0, run a dual-core Snapdragon CPU, and include an 8MP camera, all very impressive. But the HTC Ace isn’t necessarily the most interesting model HTC have due this year, that title could very well go to the secretive HTC Gold.
Big HTC releases

HTC Windows Phone 7

Omnia reveal little about the HTC Gold, other than it is due in November and should be running the new Windows Phone 7 OS. If true, it will likely be one of the debut phones for Microsoft’s huge attempt to get itself back in the mobile OS game, and therefore we can expect big things from it; hopefully anyway. After all, before HTC Android smartphones become commonplace,  the company was one of the biggest proponents of the Windows Mobile OS and most successful manufacturers using it. The name can also be backed up by an insider tweet from Conflipper that claimed HTC would be launching a number Windows Phone 7 handsets at the end of the year, so the information appears authentic. No mention of the so-called HTC Scorpion with its rumoured 1.5 GHz processor, however, but we can assume the next wave of HTC smartphones will be stocked with similarly powerful CPUs.