
Friday, July 9, 2010

T-Mobile may move up Samsung Vibrant release

Is T-Mobile preparing to take the Droid X on in a head-to-headbattle? It certainly appears that way.
According to multiple TmoNews sources, T-Mobile is bumpingthe release date of its Samsung Vibrant up roughly one week to July 15 instead of July 21 as originally planned. This would pit the Galaxy S series phone in a super-phone showdown, with Android fans coming away big winners either way.
As everyone already knows, Verizon and Motorola are going to hit the Droid advertising heavily. It's rumored they pumped $100 million into the first Droid campaign, and the recentDroid Incredible is also getting heavy rotation on radio and in print. In fact, the companies have become so effective at garnering interest that the phone has been on back order since just about day one. Don't expect them to let up when it comes to the Droid X.
On the other hand, Samsung is no slouch either. After rolling out at least one version of the Galaxy S to more than 100 countries, the handset maker has ambitious marketing plans of its own. In the end, both will be a fantastic pickup, regardless of carrier.