
Friday, July 9, 2010

Nexus One Is Google's First Mobile Phone And Also Its Last

In love with the Nexus One?  Are you waiting with a hope that Google may release a new version of their phone (hardware) in the coming months? Well, I recommend you to go to a store near you and buy the original Nexus One, because Google has no plans whatsoever, about launching another phone.
In fact, Google is through with the phone hardware business and is all set to focus all their attention on the software [Android] front.  This news was confirmed by Google’s Eric Schmidt himself in an online interview:
“The idea a year and a half ago was to do the Nexus One to try to move the phone platform hardware business forward. It clearly did. It was so successful, we didn’t have to do a second one.
I called up the board and said: Ok, it worked. Congratulations — we’re stopping.”
Weaker than expected sales of the original Nexus One influenced Google’s decision to not produce a “Nexus Two”. Though, Google has still set the ball rolling and we now have a nice and impressive lineup of Android based devices from HTC, Samsung and Motorola to choose from.
The Nexus One Advantage
Yes, there are alternatives available to the Nexus One (even better than it), like the HTC Desire and Motorola Droid, but there’s one obvious yet a genuinely major advantage with the original Google phone. That being, that early adopters will be able to install any updates to the Android OS on a Google phone on the same day of the release itself. However, the users of other phone brands would obviously have to wait a few days before they get the updates.
Finally, now that it is final that the world will never witness an official successor to the Nexus One, let us know your views or what would you expect if there actually was a “Nexus Two”.