
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Samsung Galaxy S: How Does It Measure Up to the Competition?

This spring, Samsung introduced the Samsung  Galaxy S, a super Android smartphone to rival the HTC EVO 4G, the  various Droids (both Motorola's and HTC's) and of course, the iPhone 4.  Versions of the Galaxy S will be making its way to U.S. shores this  summer in four different form factors to all four major U.S. carriers. I  was lucky enough to get my hands on the original European Galaxy S and  did some quick side-by-side comparisons with the other hot phones of the  summer.

Design and Display

When I first picked up the Galaxy S, I was amazed with how thin and  lightweight it was. I was also surprised by how familiar it looked. The  design is actually very iPhone 3GS-like with an all black, shiny plastic  body and minimal buttons on the phone's face. It is thinner than both  the EVO 4G and the Droid X measuring 0.39-inches thick, but slightly  beefier than the ultra-slim 0.37-inch iPhone 4. It is the lightest of  the bunch, weighing a scant 4.2 ounces.

The Galaxy S's feather-light weight is due in part to the Super  AMOLED technology, which the Samsung first introduced at Mobile World  Congress on the Samsung  Wave. Super AMOLED technology has touch sensors on the display  itself as opposed to creating a separate layer (Samsung's old AMOLED displays had this extra layer)  making it the thinnest display technology on the market. Super AMOLED  is fantastic; you really have to see it in real life to experience it.  Colors burst out of the display and animations appeared lively and  smooth.

The Galaxy S' 4-inch display is larger than the iPhone's  (3.5-inches), but smaller than the HTC EVO 4G and Motorola Droid X's  displays (4.3-inches). Despite its smaller size, the Galaxy S outshined  both the Droid X and the EVO 4G in my casual side-by-side comparisons.  The side-by-side with the iPhone 4 was a closer call. The iPhone 4's  display appeared slightly sharper, but I thought the Galaxy S's colors  looked more natural. It is really hard to declare a winner--both  displays are stunning.

Samsung TouchWiz 3.0 with Android 2.1

The Samsung Galaxy S runs Android 2.1 (Eclair) with Samsung's own  TouchWiz 3.0 user interface. Overall, this version of TouchWiz is a lot  better than the version on the Samsung Behold II for T-Mobile, which was  slow and difficult to navigate. But while this version is an  improvement, I encountered some familiar issues with TouchWiz 3.0.  Despite the 1GHz Hummingbird processor, the phone lags when launching  apps, flipping through menus and scrolling down contact lists or Web  pages. This could be due to the fact that this is a pre-production unit,  however, and not everything is in perfect working order.

Like HTC Sense, Samsung has its own social media aggregator. Social  Hub combines streams from your Facebook, MySpace and Twitter accounts  into a single view. It is a useful feature if you need a simple way to  keep track of your networks. One odd feature is Mini Diary, which lets  you create blog entries with photos, weather info, texts and more. This  would be a great feature if you could actually sync this information to  your blog or Facebook profile--but weirdly, you can't.


We put the Galaxy S's 5-megapixel camera through a modified  version of our PCWorld Lab Test for point-and-shoot digital cameras  along with the iPhone 4, the Motorola Droid X and the HTC EVO 4G.  Unfortunately our test panel was not very impressed with the Galaxy's  photo quality. The Galaxy S phone earned the lowest score out of the  four and an overall word score of "Fair." It finished ahead of the Evo  4G in terms of exposure quality, but finished in last place in our color  accuracy, sharpness, and distortion tests.

On the other hand, it took second place in overall video quality. Its  performance was skewed heavily toward good performance in bright light.  According to our panel, bright-light footage looked a bit underexposed  and slightly grainy in a full-screen view, but great at smaller sizes.  The Galaxy S's auto-focus searches a bit before locking onto a crisp  image. Its microphone actually picks up audio a bit too well: our audio  clip sounded far too loud and blown-out, while it was barely picked up  at all by some of the other smartphones in this comparison. In low  light, the footage was a bit too murky and undefined to earn a better  rating. Read the full test results in our Smartphone  Camera Battle: iPhone vs. the Android Army.

Keep an eye out for full reviews of the Samsung Galaxy S phones  including the Samsung Epic 4G (Sprint), Samsung Vibrant (T-Mobile) and  the Samsung Captivate and the Samsung Fascinate (Verizon).